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Tuthill Planning Application

By May 12, 2020May 26th, 2020Planning

Therfield Parish Council Notice. 12th May 2020
Re: NHDC Planning Consultation 20/00117/OP at Land West Of Tuthill House, Kelshall Tops

The Parish Council states that its submission to North Herts District Council was for the following reasons:

  • The council are satisfied that this location is not included as a development site in the draft new Local Plan.
  • The council is satisfied that as a matter of planning law and regulation, this land is agricultural land outside the development limits of the village and is not a brownfield site.
  • Having investigated the Section 106 Agreement we are satisfied that it is still relevant – particularly, we understand, that the current unlicensed activity on
    this property is being investigated by the District Councils Senior Planning Compliance Officer.

The Council with its submission to NHDC, requested clarification on why this application was allowed when there is an effective S106 Agreement in place. As of the date of this notice, we have not received a response.

The Council also wishes to advise villagers that in our view, without an effective Local Plan in place, giving support for major building developments on agricultural land would leave the village very exposed to other major development applications and would create a situation where it would be extremely difficult to challenge them. Until, therefore, a Local Plan is in place, the Council will not support any major development application on agricultural land around the village.
