Social Housing
Empty Property – 2 The Grange
The Parish Council has, on several occasions, been in contact with the Council and Housing Association about the future plans for this empty property. As of 9th June this is the latest information we were given:
This property is owned by Settle (formerly North Hertfordshire Homes) and is in process of being assessed by their Investment Programme Manager. The outcome of their initial assessment ranks 2 The Grange as a low income property in need of investment to refurbish should it be re-let.
In view of this, and in order that Settle can consider all their options, a planning application is likely to be submitted over the next few weeks to extend the existing property and for an additional new build within the plot.
The decision to sell has not been made and will be dependent on the outcome of the planning application when the following options will be considered:-
- Sell both house and plot
- Extend and renovate existing dwelling and sell plot
- Extend and renovate existing dwelling and build additional dwelling on plot
The Parish Council has now seen the planning application and is currently working on it’s response.