There are seven Greens in Therfield which are currently managed by the Conservators of Therfield Heath. At the present time the Conservators are experiencing serious financial difficulties and are trying to conserve resources which has resulted in some of the Greens not being maintained to the previous standard as they historically have been.
Most recently the central Greens have been maintained by Ivan Titmuss, landlord of the Fox and Duck in return for having seating on the main central Green. For the last two years the Green at the Hoops has been left uncut to protect the orchids and other wildlife growing there with the long term aim that this area would take on a meadow like appearance.
This year, within the village and for some good reasons, there has been dissatisfaction with the maintenance of other Greens; Hay Green and Chapel Green. There is also concern as to how Washing Ditch will be maintained in the future.
The Conservators posted flyers to residents of Hay Green outlining options for the upkeep of Hay Green this year as a result of which Hay Green will be mown for hay before the end of June and then mown again once more towards the end of the season. Chapel Green will also be mown twice.
A member of the parish council has since spoken to all the residents of Hay Green as there is still some dissatisfaction and the opinions expressed will be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting and the Conservators will be informed of the outcome.
The Parish Council is considering the option of taking over the maintenance of the Greens from the Conservators and has had preliminary discussions with them. This is not a straightforward option and would be a substantial financial commitment out of the Parish’s small budget. (Last year the Conservators spent an amount in excess of the Parish Council’s total annual budget in maintaining the Greens in Therfield.)
As the Greens are Common Land they may come under the SSSI resulting in stipulation as to how they are maintained in the future.
Maintenance of the Greens is not only about grass cutting – there are trees and a pond to be looked after.
The Parish Council is considering the various options to enable it to take on the maintenance of the Greens and will be continuing discussions with the Conservators to that end. The Greens will be discussed at the next Parish Council Meeting on 3rd July when it is hoped we will have firmer information as to what those options may be and the financial implications.