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January Therfield Parish Council Report

By January 22, 2022Community, Meetings, News

Main Points of Discussion at Meeting Held on Tuesday, 11th January 2022
5 members of the public present.

1. Playpark: After consulting with Therfield School children the ground level trampoline was chosen as the preferred item of equipment. A final quote was being obtained but the cost is looking to be in the region of £7500 and a grant application was in process for £5500.

2. Heaths & Greens: The report following the Workshop to hear villagers’ opinions on the upkeep of the Greens was received on the afternoon of the meeting. There were no Conservator representatives at the meeting. The Parish Council would consider the report and continue to liaise with the Consevators. The Parish Council is hopeful that a firm management plan can be agreed with the conservators prior to our next meeting. The Workshop report can be viewed on our website and any comments can be made via the Hub.

3. Website: In response to a question, it was explained that the Hub is a joint information service with Kelshall Parish meeting primarily for villagers to keep up to date with the activities of both councils. Other village organisations can also use to post information as well as individuals. The site is administrated and monitored by representatives from both councils. If you would like to register for Hub send a request by email to:

4. Planning: Applications received for High Beeches, Mill Lane – 4 bedroomed detached house. Concerns would be submitted concerning increased use and accessibility along Mill Lane. Tuthill Yard – resubmitted with additional information regarding boundary and landscaping. The Parish Council agreed that their previous objection still stood. Thrift Farm extension – no objection.
The Parish Council has received information concerning proposal for the sports pavilion to be rebuilt. In due course we hope the sports club will approach the council for their support.

5. Platinum Jubilee Celebration: The Parish Council was in the process of setting up a meeting with Therfield and Kelshall village organisations to discuss ideas for a jubilee celebration in June. Tree planting and the lighting of the beacon were planned. If you have any ideas or would like to be involved, please approach any councillor or contact us via the Hub.

6. Highways: Representation had been received again about the ever-increasing volume and speed of traffic entering the village via The Causeway. The Parish Council considered the purchase of a smiley face speed sign which would cost £5000. It was agreed that the Village should be consulted as it was a large spend and a questionnaire would be circulated. Remedial works were to take place in Church Lane and drainage works along Police Row in February. The next Litter pick will take place On Saturday, 12th March


Date of the Next Meeting: 7.30pm Tuesday, 8th March at Therfield Chapel

To join Therfield and Kelshall Hub email your request to: