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Notes on the Meeting held on Tuesday, 12th January 2021

By January 28, 2021Meetings, News

Notes on the Meeting held on Tuesday, 12th January 2021

All Councillors present and Cllrs Jarvis and Morris and 3 members of the public

1. Chairman’s Report:
The 20 is plenty campaigners were not successful but the Parish Council would maintain contact. Several calls had been received about local flooding all of which had been reported and the chairman reported receiving several negative comments about the appearance of the school’s new build.

2. Highways:
Several areas of the village were experiencing localised flooding during this unusual spate of wet weather; all sites have been reported. In particular Dane End where it was suggested that brush was blocking the drain and this would be investigated when water levels fell and Police Row which has been investigated.

3. Millennium Village Sign:
The Parish Council has been asked to manage and bring this project to completion. The Thespians have pledged £2000. Before agreeing the Parish Council need to have an understanding at what stage this project is. To this end a costed project plan was to be prepared for consideration at the next meeting.

4. Housekeeping:
The grit bin at Meadow Way to be replaced; the Hay Green noticeboard is being repaired; litter bin for the bus shelter on Hay Green being costed.

5. Planning:
Application received for three dwellings at Tuthill Yard. The current status of the S106 order on this site to be checked before any comment is made.

6. Chapel Burial Ground:
Although an improvement, the Parish Council felt the procedure for visiting relatives to access the burial ground was still not ideal. Cllr Close agreed to contact the Pastor with concerns and recommendations.

7. Donations:
The Parish Council had received a request from Royston & District Community Transport for a donation and it was agreed to hold this over to the new financial year as a donation had been made this financial year. It was suggested that the Parish Council make a donation towards the running costs of the Village Newsletter. There was general agreement and would be discussed at the next meeting.

8. Heaths & Greens:
Due to wet weather conditions the final cut of Hay Green was incomplete and for the same reason Chapel Green was not cut. A schedule for grass cutting for the coming season was in the process of being put in place by the Parish Council and Conservators.
There has been much concern about the hazardous parking on New Road to access the heath. Consultation has taken place between landowners, councillors and highways. It is proposed, when funding is available in the next financial year, to install bollards on the west side.

Date of next meeting: Tuesday, 9th March 2021