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Therfield and Kelshall new Community Hub

Therfield Parish Council and Kelshall Parish Meeting have now had their new Community Hub (Google group) running since November.

This group has primarily been initiated to post notices from Therfield and Kelshall parish organisations together with other village organisations such as the PCC, Centenary Trust, The Fox & Duck, Therfield School and the Police.

Both organisations will regularly post information about what is happening around Therfield and Kelshall

Although primarily established for posts from the two organisations, the site will also be available villagers to post information which would be of use/interest to the villages as a whole.

We would like to assure everyone who joins that this group is co-owned by both organisations and four representatives (two from each organisation) will own the site, monitor content and make recommendations to anyone who posts unnecessarily aggressive or distasteful content.

This will operate as a Google Group and will be very easy to use. Once joined you will receive parish alerts & emails into your inbox in the normal way. We would encourage as many villagers as possible to join the new site and show support for both local parish organisations who do many hours of unpaid work for our villages.

To join merely send an email to : stating who you are and where in the village you live, and you will then be part of a site which welcomes info to/from the good people of Therfield and Kelshall.